Intellectual Property Right
Copyright (also known as copyright), once a work is created, it automatically enjoys copyright and is protected by law. Copyright is not only protected by domestic law, but also by the contracting countries of the international copyright conventions in which the country is located. After the completion of the work, if it is possible to apply for registration with relevant institutions as soon as possible to confirm the copyright ownership of the work, copyright registration will be an important evidence in case of copyright disputes in the future. In addition, copyright owners can obtain profits through various means such as transfer or licensing.
The international copyright conventions mainly include
Berne Convention
International Copyright Convention
Geneva Phonographic Convention
The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights of the World Trade Organization
Copyright Treaty of the World Intellectual Property Organization
Treaty on Performances and Phonograms of the World Intellectual Property Organization
The role of copyright
Helps provide evidence for resolving copyright disputes
It can be performed publicly, orally, released, disseminated, adapted, remade, or translated into other languages and generate economic benefits from it
Creating economic value through technology investment and equity investment
Obtaining profits through authorized use, transfer, and other means
Our services include:
Copyright Registration in China
Copyright Registration in the United States
Related services
Copyright protection consultation
Related services such as copyright transfer, licensing, pledge, etc
Assist in applying for judicial and administrative protection of copyright
Assist in handling Internet intellectual property disputes